United Puett horse race starting gates are the unchallenged champions in design, from the finest square tubular steel providing strength and durability, to state-of-the-art circuitry control panels on each gate. Wire to wire, all electrical units are enclosed in a series of conduits, providing a maintenance-free, long-lasting system. The front door electro-magnetic locking mechanisms prevent gate malfunction, eliminating costly refunds and serious injury to horse and rider. Other safety features include fully-padded stalls, equipped with heavy gauge aluminum pontoons and ample overhead clearance. Unique steering gear allows for turning 180 degrees at each end of the starting horse gates, providing optimum maneuverability. All backed by a complete service contract with the best warranty in the racing business.

Closed-cell rubber padding, protected in vinyl, covers entire structure.

Each individual stall is fully-padded and designed for optimum safety.

Front stall V doors feature an electro-magnetic locking system.

Rear stall doors easily lock and unlock.

Trained U/P maintenance person is on-site daily.